  • 會議論文


An Action Research of an Elementary School Beginning Teacher in the Cultural Disadvantaged Area Using Information Technology Assisting Instruction


「探究初任教師於文化不利地區自然與生活科技教學的現況,以及利用資訊科技協助其教學活動的策略與障礙因素」是本研究聚焦的核心。企圖從教學現場體現資訊科技介入的契機與方式,以提升文化不利地區初任教師教學效能。 本研究採質性研究模式進行教學現場的訪談與觀察,以了解一位初任五年級的自然與生活領域教師如何進行教學;並藉由反省式的批判思考擬定行動策略,於教學活動中使用資訊媒體爲教學輔具,觀察學生的學習改變;研究中顯示資訊媒體的介入,學生學習有正面的發展趨向,並提出研究中提出資訊科技輔助文化不利地區初任教師教學的具體策略。


This research focused on the search of the strategies of integrating information technology into curriculum in the elementary schools of the disadvantage-cultural areas. This researcher applied the Action Research of the information into the teaching in Science and Technology Area. According to the results of the ways, suggested the teachers in the disadvantage-cultural areas to have a set of teaching plan and strategies to design the structure of integrating information technology into curriculum. The procedure of research was to realize how to teach by the interview and the observation of the teacher taught science and technology area of the Grade 5 in his first teaching year, so as to set up action strategies according to the reflective-and-critical thought and evaluate how they work in the Grade-5 teaching activities. The results of this study provided six strategies so as to develop the ways to apply information and technology into science teaching area.


