  • 會議論文


The Feasibility of Building Primary School's "Management Platform for Digital Learning Curriculum" via Moodle Free Software


近年來在電腦硬體精進及寬頻網路普及的推波助瀾之下,學校課程的管理朝數位化靠攏,學生課程的學習也快速朝網路化及互動化傾斜。在學校經費預算撙節及人力資源善用的考量下,去思考如何建置一個免費、易於架設管理、安全性強的數位化學習課程管理平台。 本研究旨在透過Course Management System (CMS)課程管理系統中的自由軟體Moodle來建置國民小學數位學習課程管理平台,利用其免費取得、快速安裝、操作簡單、批次建立帳號、SCORM標準匯出匯入(SCORM 是一個規範數位學習的標準)、具有課程回存功能、提供完整的互動式環境(如討論區、作業繳交、測驗、個人學習歷程)等優勢特性,讓國民小學輕鬆建立起一個功能完整性不輸商業軟體的數位化學習課程管理平台。 期能透過此網路平台擴大知識分享能力、達到資源共享目的,從而創造更多學習機會;並提供師生一個共同討論課程、分享心情的機制,改善順從型學生較不敢於課堂上發問的隱性學習問題,教師也可摒棄傳統、死板的單向輸入的教學,創造一個合乎現代網路數位化與互動化的新教育學習模式。


The recent advancement of computer hardware and popularization of broadband technology has driven the trend of digitalization in school curriculum and students' interactive learning. Under the limit of school budget and to better use the human resources, ideas are focused on the way in which we can devise a free, easy and safe management platform for digital learning curriculum. This research project is aimed to set up a management platform for digital learning curriculum of the primary school through the free software ”Moodle” in the Course Management System (CMS). Moodle has the benefits of free access, fast installment, friendly use, accumulative account setup, SCORM standard import & export (SCORM is a regulating standard for digital learning), and the functions of curriculum saving and comprehensive interactive learning (e.g. discussion blackboard, assignment submission, tests, and individual learning process). Such benefits and excellent features, no less than commercial software, will help primary schools easily set up a full-functioning management platform for digital learning curriculum. Through this management platform, we are expanding capacity of sharing knowledge and resources, and hence creating more learning opportunity; we also provide a common mechanism to share class discussion and emotions, to improve conventional monotonous teaching, and to create a new learning pattern based on modern digitalization and interaction technology..


鍾世潤、黃博聖(2022)。以面對面、Moodle、Office 365進行課後活動對英文學習動機、學習成效及同儕互動之影響教育科學研究期刊67(4),1-34。https://doi.org/10.6209/JORIES.202212_67(4).0001
