  • 會議論文


A Study of the Application of Interactive Whiteboard in Classroom Teaching


本研究旨在探討互動式電子白板應用於高雄市國小教學的現況及影響。透過文獻探討與訪談三位高雄市國小現職教師,討論電子白板運用於教學的情形;研究發現:教師們肯定互動式電子白板能提昇老師「教」與學生「學」的成效;電子白板結合了黑板、電視機、單槍投影機等視聽教學媒體的功能,並進一步取代其地位。 但研究中也發現,教學工作的性質之不同與資訊能力之不足等因素,均影響教師使用意願;並且互動式電子白板的使用必須包含相關軟體的開發與課程設計,這也是降低教師使用動機與意願;充分的行政協助與專業進修、研習課程,可以提高教師使用機會與意願,並且提出建議,作為學校與教育行政單位參考。


The goal of this study is to address current status of the applications of interactive whiteboard (IWB) in the teaching at primary schools of Kaohsiung city and how it affects the teaching. Through the review of the relative studies and the interviews with three teachers at school discussing how IWB is incorporated in their teaching, our study shows that teachers mostly verify the contributions which IWB has brought about both in teachers' teachings and students' learning. Owing to the integration of features of blackboard, television, and overhead projector, IWB has totally replace all of them in functionality. Our study also shows that different teacher's individual teaching attribute and the lack of information technique proficiency could somehow affect one's willingness of applying IWB in his teaching. Furthermore, The applications of IWB also requires supportive software development and curriculum design which makes teachers hesitate to give it a try. Therefore, sufficient support from school administrations, providing professional extension courses, and seminar programs will help teachers become more willing to try. These are the suggestions for school administration's reference.


Interactive Whiteboard


