  • 會議論文


Development of KM-based Web Teaching Portfolio Modules–SharePoint Server 2007 Platform


以往教師利用網路教學歷程檔案的研究很多,但多數仍以一般性網站功能及理論性為主要探討內容,較缺乏以專業知識管理平台為主軸的理論與實務結合的整合性研究。 本研究的主要目的在於開發一個兼具知識管理理論與網路教學歷程檔案模組為基礎的應用平台。提供教師一個兼具自主性、易使用性、開放性,同時兼具個人資料安全、及對外知識專業社群互動的網路教學歷程檔案互動平台。希望教師能藉由網路教學歷程檔案的使用,一方面培養個人知識管理能力,有效提升教師個人專業知能;二方面間接提高學生學習效果與學校對外競爭力。 研究首先藉之前對於教學歷程檔案、知識管理理論、知識管理教學模式所進行的前導研究分析的教學歷程模組,進一步以微軟SharePoint 2007專業知識管理平台進行研究與平台開發。


There were many studies on the usage of Web Teaching Portfolio, and most of them still focused on exploring the relationship between normal website function and theory. Fewer of them were aimed on the study of professional knowledge management platform to combine theory and practice. The main purpose of this study is to develop a basic platform integrating Knowledge Management Theory and Web Teaching Portfolio Module. This Web Teaching Portfolio mutual platform will not only provide teachers with independence, user-friendly and opening idea but also secure their personal data and form an opening professional knowledge network. Hopefully, on the one hand teachers would take advantage of Web Teaching Portfolio Platform to cultivate their knowledge management ability and improve their professional knowledge; on the other hand to help increase students' learning effect and schools' competition. Firstly, the previous study result of teaching module based on teaching portfolio, knowledge management theory and knowledge management teaching module will be further analyzed and developed by using Microsoft SharePoint2007 Knowledge Management platform.
