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Evulation and Suggestion of Physical Hazards Test for Oxidizing Liquids


氧化性液體(Oxidizing liquids)係指自身未必會自燃,但可能會因反應釋放出氧氣而引發或促使其他物質燃燒之液體。本文依據聯合國規範之化學品全球分 類與標示調和制度(Globally harmonized system of classification and labelling of chemicals, GHS)中物理性危害分類之氧化性液體探討工業界常用之化學品歸類 於氧化性液體之建議測試實驗方法,由建議之熱卡計技術 (Calorimetry method)技術使業者方便以國內現有之儀器設備建立化學品危害分析方法並符合相關法 令規範。另,依據美國消防協會(National fire protection association, NFPA)之氧化性液體/固體儲存規範(NFPA 430與704)與美國材料測試學會(American Society of Testing and Materials, ASTM)建議之測試方法說明此類物質於工業應用時應有之危害認知,希冀提供國內針對氧化性液體此類之危害性化學品實際於製程反應或儲運之條件應具備更完整之運作認知與控制措施等安全管理模式。


Accoroding to the United Nations GHS's definition of oxidizing liquids: An oxidizing liquid is a liquid which, while in itself not necessarily combustible, may, generally by yielding oxygen, cause, or contribute to, the combustion of other material. This study discussed the recommendations and suggestion for physical hazards test of oxidizing liquids which widely used in industry. From internation recommenendations of GHS, NFPA and ASTM, our industries should take the detailed hazards recognizition into account and give the effectively safe design and management for hazardous chemicals. Calorimetry methods are proposed to evaluate the self-reaction, thermal hazards, contamination, and reaction/decomposition profiles during process, storage and transport for such kind of oxidizing liquids.
