  • 期刊


A Project Study about Teachers' Performance Appraisal of Chienkuo Technology University




The declining birthrate has reduced the amount of students year by year, and it has also become a severe test for the survival and development of technological and vocational schools. In response to the change in social condition and in order to guarantee excellent teachers' right to work, Ministry of Education has included ”college teacher evaluation” in the University Act. All universities should follow Teachers' Act and University Act, Article 21, to designate rules for the severance, suspension, and refusal of reengagement of university teachers.Following MOE's policy, Chienkuo Technology University (CTU) has enforced ”Teacher Performance Appraisal” and instituted teacher review system as important reference for upgrading, reengagement, long term suspension, refusal of reengagement and encouragement of teachers.As a professional teaching Technology University, ”Professional, Competent, and Dedicated” CTU set the goal to assist teachers in professional growth and career development, help the communication between teachers and school, and improve the teaching quality. The present study reviewed relevant literature about teachers, performance appraisal project of Chienkuo Technology University, and concluded by proposing some implications and suggestions about management. In addition, from the amending process of Teacher Performance Appraisal, it's obvious that CTU reviewed the system carefully every year and did its best to improve communication with seminars. Whenever noticing that the system isn't comprehensive enough, CTU amended it. CTU's attitude towards teaching quality, continuous improvement, can be taken as a model for other schools.
