  • 期刊


Criteria evaluation of eco-enzyme promotion


近年來因為人們享受快速方便的生活模式,因而在食衣住行等造成多方面的浪費,使得生活環境的負向變化。如何在生活中以實際行動進行環境保護,也就成為重要課題。本文針對泰國樂素昆.普潘翁博士(Dr Rosukon Poompanvong)研發利用生活中不用的鮮蔬果皮等製作的環保酵素,探討推廣的關鍵因素,以使一般民眾能重視並自行製作與使用,充分利用生鮮垃圾,為環境保護盡一份心力。本文應用分析網路程序法(Analytical Network Process; ANP),透過專家問卷,針對環保酵素推廣進行準則評估並加以排序。研究結果顯示,推廣準則排序首要為建立環境保護觀念、進而提供環保酵素製作研習、再讓大眾了解環保酵素使用功效。依此建構的理念及排序,可提供於推廣過程的實踐準則,期待環保酵素的推廣能遍及於更多團體、家庭、個人的製作與使用率,讓原本會造成汙染環境的鮮垃圾能減量,作為有效資源回收再利用,讓社會成為一座循環無限的生態體。


Because of the rapid and convenient life-mode, nature resources have continuously been consumed. To carry out environmental protection by practical actions has become one of the most important issues of environment protection. Aims at promoting eco-enzyme which is developed by Dr R. Poompanvong, this study applies Analytical Network Process (ANP) to evaluate and to prioritize the criteria of eco-enzyme promotion. There are three criteria and eleven sub-criteria in the ANP-questionnaire. Seven experts in the area of eco-enzyme promotion are invited to evaluate and rank the criteria for eco-enzyme promotion. The results show that environment-protection concept ranks the first, and followed by eco-enzyme production and understanding the functions of eco-enzyme. The concepts and prioritizes constructed by this study can be provided in the guidelines of the promotion process.
