  • 期刊


The Study of the Quality Service of the Collegiate Athletic Departments


服務品質概念在大學的重要性,與日俱增,教育部爲檢討我國大專校院體育行政運作及教學與活動之實施成效及建立可行之評鑑模式,以提升大專校院體育整體品質發展,於民國九十學年度開始實施「大專校院體育訪視」(爲期二年),其目的在於(一)檢討我國大專校院體育行政運作及教學與活動之實施成效。(二)建立可行之評鑑模式,以提昇大專校院體育整體品質之發展。訪視結果作爲教育部獎(補)助學校之參考,並對各校訪視報告所列重大缺失,教育部將列管並督導學校改善,由此可見教育部對於大學體育室整體品質之重視。是故體育室推動政策及其服務品質之成效,會直接影響到整個大學體育教育之發展,其重要性不可忽視。體育室直接服務的對象之中,學生乃是十分重要的角色之一,且與體育室的互動相當密切而頻繁,故以學生對體育室服務品質之滿意度調查,作爲本研究之主題。 綜上所述,體育室的角色與功能相當重要性,但過去未曾有研究者對其服務品質進行探討,尤其是以學生的角度來評量體育室,所以期藉由本研究之進行,能建構適合體育室服務品質內涵之要素,以客觀的數據及資料做爲其參考,探討體育室服務品質之優點及有待改進之處,並提出具體建議以供其參考。


The concept of service quality within the universities has increased in recent years. In order to exam the effectiveness of the administrative operation and teaching activities within the universities, the Ministry of Education has tries to develop a workable evaluation model The ”Collegiate Physical Education Evaluation project” started in 2001. The purposes of the poject were 1) exam the effectiveness of the administrative operation and teaching and activities, and 2) establish a valid evaluation model. The results of the evaluation could be used for the base of the budgetary support toward the universities, and the weakness pointed out from the evaluation could also be listed as the focuses of the further evaluation. Therefore, the policy and the quality of service carried out by the athletic department will directly affect the results of the university evaluation. One of the direct recipients of the service from athletic department is student and the interaction between the student and the department is frequently close. There is little literature related to the survey of the service quality of the athletic department within universities. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to survey the quality of service from the athletic departments within colleges and universities. The results of the study could be used as the reference for the further improvement. The construct and contend validity will also be developed.


崔淑平(2014)。溫泉旅館住宿服務品質與顧客滿意及消費行為之研究 -以知本老爺大酒店為例〔碩士論文,國立高雄餐旅大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6825/NKUHT.2014.00021
