  • 期刊


The association between China Professional Baseball fan's watching motivation and consuming behaviors: using Funk's SPEED measurement as motivation-assessing tool




Purpose: Investigation the associations between CPBL fans' consumer behavior and their game experiences, demographics, Funk's SPEED measurement results. Method: From Jan-7 to Jan-24 in 20203, participant's replies were collected using snowball sampling on an online questionnaire platform. The data includes participant's basketball participating experience, game watching experience, demographics, Funk's SPEED measurement results, and consumer behaviors. Funk's SPEED includes three sub-scales: control, independent, behavior intention. The consumer behaviors include overall consumption (all kinds of CPBL related consumption) , buying game ticket (for watching official games) , and peripheral consumption (all kinds of CPBL related consumption except of buying game ticket) . Result: In multivariate logistic regression results, overall consumption was found related to participant's seniority, times of watching on-site games in recent year, and Funk behavior intention scale total score; the factors associated to peripheral consumption were personal monthly disposable money, expected frequency of watching game in future season, and Funk behavior intention scale total score; finally, the associated factors of buying game tickets were participant's seniority, personal monthly disposable money, expected frequency of watching game in future season, times of watching on-site games in recent year, and Funk control scale and independent scale total scores. Conclusion: Different kind of consumer behavior has its own combination of associated factors. With different goals of business plan and marketing strategy, fans' demographics, experiences, and intrinsic motivation should be considered. The differentiation of fans' background also provides different potential consumers for developing.


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