  • 期刊


A Report on the Opening Program Tale of a Solder of Guandu Art Festival


本文以第21屆關渡藝術節「CREATE.創」開幕節目「土將洋兵」製作緣起為引子,討論其中採用斯特拉溫斯基之音樂劇場作品《大兵的故事》(L'Histoire du Soldat, 1918)演出的多媒體跨界新製作策略,以及該作品之音樂特色與相關議題。內容主要彙整《大兵的故事》節目製作過程─從製作會議、重新濃縮編譯腳本、直到排練和演出的諸般工作項目,討論該節目製演之相關議題,包括:製作此劇之意義、跨領域合作經驗、編譯劇本與演出實踐的困境與解決之道等。全文最後附上筆者濃縮改編之《大兵的故事》中文劇本,以饗讀者。


In October 2014, the twenty-first Kuandu (Guandu) Arts Festival initiated with an opening program entitled "Local Hero versus Western Soldier" which embodied two different repertories. This article aims to address some important issues in regards to both production and performance of the "Western Soldier" part of the program, i. e., the famous music theater work L'Histoire du Soldat (1918) by Igor Stravinsky. Using live music performance this production employed a concise (shortened) stage script which was newly-translated in Mandarin by me for the creation of animated pictures as substitutes for live actors and dancers. In order to avoid major technical difficulties in this crossover production, it was necessary to take care of numerous process elements including preserving the meaning of this work, problem-solving of inconsistencies between variable live performance and the unchangeable animated film, and the acclimation to the abridged transcription of the play which was included herein this text for readers' reference.
