  • 期刊


Discussion on Some Musical Language Characters of Yoshihisa Taira through Interpretation of "Hiérophonie IV" for Flute Solo


創作於1969到1975年之間的《神聖之音》(Hiérophonies)系列可說是旅法日本作曲家平義久(Yoshihisa Taira, 1937-2005)音樂創作生涯的起點,也是他摸索出自己音樂語言的指標性作品。本論文擬探討此系列中的第四首作品-為長笛家族樂器所作的獨奏曲《神聖之音Ⅳ》(Hiérophonie Ⅳ, 1971)。透過演奏法觀點檢視《神聖之音Ⅳ》中所展現的一些音樂語法特色,除了希望能對瞭解平義久的音樂有所幫助之外,也期望能夠吸引更多愛樂者與演奏者親近這位作曲家的作品。


"Hiérophonie IV" (1971) for flute solo written by the Japanese composer Yoshihisa Taira (1937, Tokyo-2005, Paris) is included in a series of his representative works under the same title. From a point of view of interpretation, I shall try to reveal some characters of his musical language by tracing the special aspects presented in the piece. I will also try to discuss some common concerns, the comparable aesthetics, and musical thinking shared by the composers of his generation demonstrated in their musical works for flute solo; in spite of the differences of their cultural heritages, this will hopefully help in the interpretation and appreciation of Taira's music.


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Artaud, Pierre-Yves(1997).Yoshihisa Taïra : de Tokyo à Paris...naissance d'un créateur.Traversières Magazine.numero special III,11-21.
Chen, Hui-Mei,Dufourt, Hugues(direction)(1997).L'osmose de la culture traditionnelle et de l'écriture occidentale dans deux œuvres pour flûte seule d'Isang Yun et Yoshihisa TaïraMémoire de D. E. A..:IRCAM.
Chen, Hui-Mei(2007).Les sources d'inspiration et les influences dans la musique de Yoshihisa Taira.Paris IV-Sorbonne.
Fiard, Olivier(1998).Questions à Yoshihisa Taira : entretien avec Olivier Fiard.Percussions.56(IX/2),25-30.
