  • 期刊


The Analysis of Fitness Clubs' Marketing Strategy


健身俱樂部招募消費者的方式曾引起雙方磨擦,因而引發本文參考行銷通路理論及當前社會組織結構來分析健身俱樂部行銷通路,並出示建議。主要目的在提供俱樂部經營者及有志於經營健身俱樂部者作爲招募會員參考。以下爲主要結語和建議: 一、健身俱樂部的消費者具有地域性,也就是離住家愈近、交通愈方便的俱樂部,愈容易吸引顧客。建議這個特徵應列爲設計行銷通路的考量因素。 二、健身俱樂部的性質關係到經營走向,決定了目標市場。建議根據俱樂部營利、非營利性質來設計行銷通路。 三、致力於提高會員滿意度是俱樂部的主要行銷工作之一,亦爲設計行銷通路的考量因素。 四、建議非營利性健身俱樂部以組織的使命感爲前題來擬定行銷通路,營利性健身俱樂部以能夠引發消費者聯想、服務科技化、服務分割、厚植關係的通路爲主,並以賺取利潤爲核心。 五、建議選擇二階以下行銷通路來拓展消費者。直銷列爲主要行銷通路。一階行銷通路列爲次要行銷通路。二階以上行銷通路比較不適合採用。


The main purpose of this study was to analyze fitness clubs’ marketing strategy and provide suggestions to people who wished to run the business in the future. The suggestions were as followed: 1. It was suggested that the location of the club should be taken into consideration seriously. The closer the club to the customer, the better it became to attract people. 2. It was suggested that fitness club should design their marketing strategy according to their goal. 3. The factor of customer satisfaction was an important consideration of marketing. 4. The author suggested that unprofitable type fitness club should run the business in order to serve people; on the other hand, profit type clubs should focus their goal on the profit making. 5. It was recommended to use the one layer marketing strategy to explore their business. It would be more difficult to develop the business if they used 2 layer marketing strategy.
