  • 期刊


Recreation Experience, Interpretation and Recognition of Ecotourism in Er-Jen River, Kaohsiung


二仁溪流域早期為南台灣重要水域,經濟上曾經扮演重要腳色。但在1960年在之後的台灣工業化過程中,其生態環境受到嚴重污染與破壞。近二十年來在地方人士、環保團體、中央與地方政府的努力之下,整治二仁溪流域的汙染及努力恢復其自然生態已見成效。本研究探討二仁溪遊憩體驗、導覽解說與生態旅遊發展,以現場問卷發放方式於2014 年12 月至2015 年2 月間,結合高雄市茄萣區舢筏協會舉辦之導覽解說活動進行。研究結果顯示,超過87%的受訪者認為,乘船體驗二仁溪遊憩有助於喚起人們對生態環境保育的重視;85%的受訪者贊成政府應撥預算改善水岸生態環境,82%的受訪者願意再來參訪並願意推薦親友來訪。此外,遊憩體驗與導覽解說認知有正相關,且兩者都有助於受訪者對生態旅遊的認知。


Er-Ren River was once an important river in Southern Taiwan and had played a major role in local economy in the past. The river had been seriously polluted and its natural environment had been deteriorated during Taiwan's industrialization after 1960s. Fortunately, during the past twenty some years, under the efforts of local residents, environmental groups, central and local governments, the remedy of river water's pollution and restoration of its natural ecology has had a good result. The study aims to examine the relationships among recreation experience, interpretation and development of ecotourism in Er-Jen River. The on-site questionnaire survey was conducted during December 2014 and February 2015 at Cie-Ding Boat Association in Kaohsiung. Results showed that over 87% of the respondents agreed that the experience of boat-riding in Er-Jen River would make them being aware of the importance of environmental conservation; around 85% of the respondents agreed that the government needed to provide budget for improving river-bank's environment; also about 82% of the respondents would like to revisit and recommend their friends and relatives to visit the river. Statistical analysis indicated that recreation experience and interpretation have positive correlation and both make ecotourism more meaningful.
