  • 期刊


On the Distinction between 1st and 3rd Division of Initial Lai in Old Chinese: From the Perspective of Phonetic Glosses




來母 聲訓 上古音 說文 諧聲系列


Bernhard Karlgren (1889~1978) first proposes *l- as the pronunciation of the initial Lai. Pulleyblank (1962) provides evidence from early translations where the initial Lai always corresponds to r- (e.g. 'Alexandria' is translated into '烏弋山離' in Han Shu) and argues for *r- as the pronunciation of the initial Lai. Jin (1999) points out that both l- and r- in Written Tibetan corresponds to Lai, and they correspond to the 1st and 3rd division of Lai respectively. Moreover, the 1st and 3rd division of Lai are different groupings in phonetic series. Therefore, Jin claims that the initial Lai in Old Chinese includes two pronunciations: *l- for the 1st division and *r- for the 3rd division. This study investigates the 1st and 3rd division of the initial Lai in Old Chinese, based on a comprehensive analysis of the phonetic glosses in Shuo Wen. The results suggest no clear distinction between the 1st and 3rd division of the initial Lai in Old Chinese, which is against Jin (1999)'s proposal.
