  • 期刊

Assessment of Knee Strength Characteristics among Taiwanese Female Rowers



目的:划船傷害特別是腰椎,往往歸因於不良的技術。划船技術包括一系列的在背部,上肢和下肢,並在這些可能導致異常傷害之間的協調動作。本研究的目的是針對臺灣地區優秀女子划船選手膝關節的測量與評定,探討其左右腳之肌力是否有不平衡之狀況。方法:以Cybex 6000等速測力系統,針對臺灣地區優秀划船女選手21名(平均年齡 20.7±1.0歲,平均身高=166.1±1.8公分,平均體重58.3±4.2公斤)分三組不同測試速度進行測試,並以單因子變異數分析與 Tukey's事後考驗進行分析。結果:(1)我們觀察到左右腳伸肌和屈肌間最大力矩的顯著差異,但是伸/屈肌比在不同速度之間的差異不顯著,因此左右腳的肌肉力量是均衡的(2)在不同腳之間的伸肌和屈肌產生最大力矩時的關節角度分別為約60度,這顯示今後的訓練可以使選手在一個特定的角度,使腿部達到最大的力量。(3)在雙腳的伸肌和屈肌的延遲時間,並未因角速度不同而有顯著差異,這意味著選手於划船不能延長的力的作用時間。因此,每次划槳的效率不能被累積增加划程。此外在角速度60°/s時具有較長時間的等長肌力,但在划船最後的快速衝刺階段,無法提供更長時間的力量,因此也必須加強肌肉耐力。結論:划船選手伸肌最大力矩顯著比屈肌強,且左右腳呈現平衡狀態。此外在力量耐力上,也需加強比賽最後階段肌耐力,維持快速伸屈肌轉換時間,不因疲勞而減緩作用時間。其次在速度力量的特徵方面並無特別顯著,也無法將有效用力的時間拉長,顯示出國內選手在速度力量的訓練上明顯不足。


等速肌力 西式划船 不對稱


Rowing injuries, particularly of the lumbar spine are often attributed to poor technique. Rowing technique comprises a series of coordinated movements between the back upper limbs, and lower limbs, and abnormalities in these movements may lead to injury. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis whether strength of leg musculature is symmetrical with respect to knee isokinetic. We further explored whether the asymmetric strength of leg musculature is more prominent for Taiwanese female rowing athletes. In this study twenty-one elite female college athletes (aged 20.7 ± 1.0 years, height=166.1 ± 1.8 cm, weight=58.3 ± 4.2 kg) were performed the Cybex 6000 test at 3 test speeds, and comparisons were performed using one-way analysis of variance with Tukey’s post hoc validation. The main findings of the study were: (1) When comparing the peak torque of extensors and flexors of both legs, we observed significant difference among the statistics, but no obvious difference was found between the ratios of the extensors to the flexors at various speeds, and muscle strength of both legs was balanced. (2) The extensor and flexor muscle joint angles at peak torque for both legs were approximately 60 degrees, which suggesting that future training can enable athletes to implement the greatest strength at a specific degree, and such leg force may achieves the greatest torque. (3) For the delay time of extensors and flexors of both legs, the fast speed was not significantly different from the slow speed, which means rowers cannot prolong the time of force. Hence, the efficiency of each stroke cannot be accumulated to increase the distance of the stroke. In addition, strength, but unable to provide longer isometric strength in the final sprint stage of rowing. Thus, the muscular endurance must be strengthened in the final stage of a competition. This study concludes that the peak torque of the extensors of Taiwanese female rowers was larger than that of the flexors, and the states of two legs were balanced. The characteristics of high-speed strength were not obvious, and the time of the force could not be prolonged, which indicates that Taiwanese rowers do not have sufficient strength training in the speed.


Isokinetic rowing asymmetry


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