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Relationships Between Core Stability, Athletic Performance and Lean Tissue Mass in Male Competitive Athletes




The purpose of this study was to investigate relationships between core endurance, dynamic balance, athletic performance, and lean tissue mass of male competitive athletes. Methods: Nineteen male collegiate track and field jumpers and hurdlers were recruited, by measuring their core endurance (plank, bridge and side plank), Y dynamic balance test and athletic performance (vertical jump, standing long jump, five consecutive hops, forward medicine ball throw, and backward medicine ball throw), and using the dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry for the assessment of body composition (total and regional lean tissue mass). Pearson's product-moment correlations (r) were used to evaluate relationships amount pairs of test variables, with statistical significance was set at p < .05. Results: (1) There were significant negative correlations between plank core endurance and standing long jump, dominant leg, and non-dominant leg five consecutive hops; (2) There was significant positive correlation between non-dominant leg Y dynamic balance ability and vertical jump; (3) Lean tissue mass of the total body, arms, torso, waist and buttocks which were found a significant positive correlation with vertical jump explosive power. Conclusion: As to athletes expertise mainly on speed and explosive power, better core endurance was found no direct positive impact to their lower limb and whole body explosive power, even worse, negative influences were found, however lower limbs dynamically balance ability and lean tissue mass of the waist may have important significance impact on the athletes' explosive power of their lower limb and whole body. Therefore it is recommended that coaches or athletes should conduct training program particular on the lower limb dynamically balance ability and the muscle mass of the waist muscle group.


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