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Improvement of College Students' Physical Self by Folk Sports Courses




Purpose: This study was exploring the impact of 16-week folk sports courses on college students' perceived physical self. Method: Participants were 91 students recruited from folk sports classes (23 males; 22 females) and tennis classes (35 males; 11 females). The research tools include a physical self-description questionnaire and a 16-week course design. 2 (course) × 2 (pre- and post-test) two-factor mixed design variation analysis was used for data analyses. Result: After 16 weeks of folk sports and tennis courses, college students had significant differences in the concepts of perceived motor ability, perceived appearance, perceived flexibility, perceived body fat, and perceived coordination. In addition, there was no significant difference on perceived muscle strength and perceived endurance. Conclusion: The folk sports course has positive improvement on the external appearance of the body (appearance, body fat); on the other hand, there was limited influence on perceptual motor performance (exercise ability, flexibility, coordination, muscle strength, and endurance) and the perceptual fitness. Future research can extend the results of this study, allowing physical education to exert greater influence and value.


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