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The Impacts of Rule Changing on Greco-Roman Wrestling Training




Wrestling matches under the previous regulations were facing the challenges of passive fights, low audience, and protests during the matches. Furthermore, International Olympic Committee decided not to include wrestling in 2020 summer Olympic Games. Hence, the United World Wrestling (UWW) made revises on the regulations annually in expected to make the match more intense and viewable as well as to find the solutions for the problems of low match points and draws in Greco-Roman wrestling. The study attempted to discuss the impacts of 2018 rule-revisions on wrestling matches and trainings. The study reviewed related literatures to compare the previous and current rules on passive ruling, avoiding engagement, and fouls in wrestling, then analyzed the trainings to adapt with the revised rules. The findings suggested, the offense and defense on stance and techniques on rolling bridge need to be improved, and new matching tactics for new rules are required. The study is expected to serve as the references for training and match strategies of Greco-Roman wrestling.


passive ruling stance rolling bridge


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