  • 期刊


The Effects of Motor and Exercise Imagery on Physical Activity in Older Adults




心智練習 移動性 老化


The benefits of imagery use for athletes and general people have been established in past studies. However, the actual benefits of the application of motor and exercise imagery for elders are relatively neglected. The purpose of this study is to review the evaluation methods and benefits of the application of motor imagery ability and exercise imagery, and then to focus on the effects on elders in recent years. From the review, we have documented that imagery ability can be evaluated by several methods and have shown a deterioration of imagery ability across the life span. Furthermore, there have been several investigations that have determined the use and potential effect of imagery interventions for older adults to improve skills, self-efficacy, and exercise behavior. In the end, it puts forward the ways to integrate these two approaches into future researches and intervention of elders. This study will take walking as example, pointing out how to use the integrated motor and exercise imagery to encourage elders to do physical activities to promote health.


mental practice mobility aging


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