  • 期刊


The Governance and Coopetition of the Philippine Professional and Semi-Professional Basketball League


臺灣中華職籃(Chinese Basketball Alliance, CBA)於2000年解散之後,以半職業聯賽超級籃球聯賽(Super Basketball League, SBL)發展十幾年,經歷SBL和東南亞職業聯賽(ASEAN Basketball League, ABL)兩種聯賽賽事共存,而後民間籌組職業聯賽,2020年12月進入SBL和P. LEAGUE+共存的時代。在作質性後設研究擬合理論的過程,反例特例的搜尋是再確認理論信效度的重要環節,而菲律賓職業籃球聯盟之治理競合,打破以美國國家籃球協會(National Basketball Association, NBA)分析為主產生的迷思,對職業籃球治理理論探索,乃至臺灣職業籃球或其他職業運動聯盟治理都是極為值得借鑑。本研究採理論驅動的專題綜合,研究所得如下:菲律賓的職業籃球聯賽發展由Philippine Basketball Association(PBA)脫離國際籃球總會(Fédération Internationale de Basketball, FIBA)體系之後已經近40年,這幾年面對各種聯盟的競爭屹立不搖。菲律賓的職業籃球聯賽PBA相較於美國NBA治理及營運模式上有顯著差異,發展的路徑上也持續面臨其他聯盟的競合,PBA其發展是市場競爭的結果。其中特別值得分析的是1980到2010年與Philippine Basketball League(PBL)的共存,2000年左右與菲律賓Metropolitan Basketball Association(MBA)的競爭,2017年與Maharlika Pilipinas Basketball League(MPBL)的競爭共存。比起委員會或球團會議治理,菲律賓籃球聯盟的治理決策速度相較較快,適合聯盟間競爭的對應。整體看起來普偏需要球隊或聯盟持續虧本經營,治理及營運上需要在外部景氣不好或聯盟下行時,仍能讓球隊投資人或聯盟發起人持續注入資源及贊助。


After the disbanding of the Taiwan Chinese Basketball Alliance (CBA) (1994-2000) in 2000, a semi-professional league Super Basketball League (SBL) (2003-Present) has been developed for more than decade. At 2019, SBL and ASEAN Basketball League (ABL) games coexist, and civilians are preparing for a new professional basketball league again. Past studies generally agree that governance is the problem to development a professional basketball league. The counterexamples or extraordinary cases are important for reconfirming the reliability and validity of a theory during a fitting-the-theory stage of qualitative meta-research methods. The cases of Philippine Professional Basketball Leagues break some myths of the industry, and are useful not only for the exploration of future professional basketball governance theory, but also for the development of professional basketball and the other professional sports leagues in Taiwan. This research applies theory-driven thematic synthesis research method. And the important results: After leaving the system of Fédération Internationale de Basketball (FIBA), Philippine Basketball Association (PBA) has been developed nearly 40 years since 1970 under the competition of other leagues. Compared with the National Basketball Association (NBA) in the United States, the PBA in the Philippines has significant different governance and development patents. The PBA compete and cooperate with other leagues constantly, and survival in the market. The coexistence of PBA and Philippine Basketball League (PBL) from 1980 to 2010, the competition of PBA and Metropolitan Basketball Association (MBA) around 2000, and the competition and coexistence of PBA and Maharlika Pilipinas Basketball League (MPBL) after 2017 are valuable cases. Compared with committee governance, the decision-making speed of the Philippine Basketball League's governance is relatively fast, which is suitable for the competitions between leagues. After all, it seems that the teams and the leagues need to operate at a loss continuously. The governance and operations of the league need to encourage team or league investors support resources and sponsorship, even when the economy is bad or the league is going down.


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