  • 期刊


The Ergogenic Effect of Nutritional Supplements in Spinal Cord-Injured Athletes


脊髓損傷造成受傷者的肌肉、脂肪及骨質密度和四肢健全者身體組成的分布不同,同時神經傳導因素也造成胃腸系統反應時間的改變。脊髓損傷運動員從事運動時的營養補充物增補,是否與四肢健全的人有差異,是一個值得探討的問題。本研究的目的為,探討脊髓損傷運動員補充營養補充物對運動表現的影響。研究的方法以文獻探討的方式進行,文獻搜尋之工具為Google學術,採用spinal cord-injured and athletes為搜尋文獻時之關鍵詞,引用文獻之年分為1980~2019年期間。本研究的結論為:一、未經運動訓練的脊髓損傷患者,補充肌酸對肌肉的生長有幫助,但對競速運動員的表現沒有呈現進步的效果;二、脊髓損傷運動員運動前20分鐘補充7.6~11%的葡萄糖溶液對運動表現有幫助;三、咖啡因和重碳酸鹽類的補充,提升了脊髓損傷運動員乳酸耐受度及血液的鹼化,但在運動表現尚未呈現顯著進步的結果。本研究的建議為,脊髓損傷運動員增補營養補充物,除了合適濃度的碳水化合物,不易看到運動表現顯著進步的效果,反而可能造成反胃等消化不易的結果,因此,專注運動訓練在改變身體組成及運動技術,可能是更重要的課題。


身體組成 肌酸 葡萄糖 咖啡因 重碳酸鹽


There is different body composition between the spinal cord-injured person and the able-bodied which includes the muscle, fat, and bone density. Furthermore, the nerve conduction prolongs the reaction time of the gastrointestinal system. It is an important issue whether the nutritional supplements affect the performance of the athletes with spinal cord-injured or not. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of nutritional supplements on exercise performance in athletes with spinal cord-injured. The method of this paper was literature collection by searching Google Scholar database. Spinal cord-injured and athletes were used as the keyword when searching for literature. The scope of citation was from 1980 to 2019. We concluded that (1) Creatine supplementation is more benefit for spinal cord-injured patients than racing athletes; (2) The most acceptable concentration of carbohydrate ingestion for spinal cord-injured athletes is 7.6 ~ 11 g CHO/100 ml before 20 minutes of exercise; (3) The supplementation of caffeine and bicarbonate improve the tolerance of lactic acid and the alkalization of blood, but it does not show significant progress in exercise performance. The result of this study suggests the nutritional supplements might cause the digestive trouble during the competition therefor changed the athletes' body composition and exercise techniques could be a more important issue.


body composition creatine glucose caffeine bicarbonate


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