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Effect of Eye Tracking Modality for Children with Cerebral Palsy to Improve Visual Perception and Visual Motor Functions




Children with cerebral palsy (CP) usually have difficulty in participating in activities due to visual motor problems. This work applies a novel eye tracking modality to make training visual perception and motor abilities accessible by using a light eye tracker. This work examines the visual perception and visual motor abilities in children with CP as an outcome of the light eye tracking modality. The Eyelink eye tracker, Visual-Perceptual Skills 3rd Edition (TVPS-3) and Peabody Developmental Motor Scales Second Edition (VMI) measured visual perception and visual motor functioning for 22 children with CP and 22 children with CP in the control group. Only the experimental group of children received of light eye tracking activities 90 times in thirty weeks. In the ANCOVA analysis, the experimental group showed significant improvements in visual attention on percent time fixated (PTF), and better scores on TVPS-3 as compared to the control group. In the analysis, there are significant differences in PTF, TVPS-3, and total scale of VMI. The proposed eye tracking modality might provide an opportunity to train visual perception and visual motor abilities.


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