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Exploration of Career Development and Employability among College Volleyball Players




Purpose: This study aims to understand the career development of collegiate volleyball players and their future employability during their university years. Furthermore, it also explores the relationship between their career development and employability. Method: A questionnaire survey was conducted, with participants being first-tier players in the open division of the collegiate volleyball league in the 2020 academic year. A total of 231 valid questionnaires were collected. Statistical methods included descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson product-moment correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. Results: There was a moderately significant correlation between the various dimensions of career development and employability. Gender differences were observed in career development, specifically in career orientation and work attitude aspects, while in employability, significant differences were found in general abilities, professional knowledge, and career planning. Also, years of playing volleyball experience showed significant differences in career development and employability. There was no significant difference in major fields of study. Only the different school locations show a significant difference in career development in the dimension of career exploration. Regarding part-time work, significant differences were found in the career exploration dimension, career development and work attitude in employability. Predictive career development models on employability were effective in all dimensions and demonstrated significant positive predictive power. Conclusion: This study found that career development has a positive predictive power on employability for collegiate volleyball athletes. It is recommended that volleyball athletes cultivate their skills and work attitudes through career exploration activities, such as internships, part-time work, and career-oriented courses. This can enhance career orientation and allow them to pay attention to future employment trends and skill requirements, thus aiding in making informed choices and development in their future careers.


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