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The Behavior of Workplace Resistance by Child Protect Social Workers in Taiwan




Social workers in the United Kingdom and the United States strikes to express their reactions to the workplace. The workplace of child protect social workers is responsibility and blame in Taiwan. The social workers working hours are stolen, and in which social workers are alienated from their jobs, but how will the social workers respond in Taiwan? Is it like the strike? Will they express its own dissatisfaction with kinds of way?. The purpose of this study will be two, one is to describe the appearance of the type of workplace resistance of Taiwan's child protect social workers, and to understand the factors affecting whose the workplace resistance. The resistance of the workplace arises from the laborers' reaction to dissatisfaction with the work environment that is alienated from work or long-term emotional labor, or the rebound of the workplace relationship oppressed by the management. The types of workplace resistance can be distinguished such as Marx and the Labor Process Theory (LPT)emphasizes confronting the bourgeoisie or the management in a collective manner, as Foucault conducts confrontation with power in individual ways of micro-politics, and gradually changes the impact of the structure. In this study, questionnaires were used to collect data. A total of 173 questionnaires were used for data analysis after screening and debugging. This study used statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and regression analysis. This study found that: (1) 41.5% of the social workers are not comfortable with the workplace environment. They will not easily resist the behavior and use other leisure or conversion pressures. , The dismissal of the workplace gave all kinds of pressure, or dissatisfaction with the labor process. 29.5% of social workers and underprivileged social workers will use Foucault's micro-political methods to counteract the current workplace environment in individual ways, even if there is resistance. (2) Social workers need safe working environment, and reducing the workload of various paperwork, is to reduce the interference caused by neo-managerialism, so that social workers have more time to deal with the case. (3) The relationships between social workers and manager is an important factor in the resistance of social workers. If it can reduce the opposing workplace relations, it can reduce resistance of social workers.


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