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Negotiation of Life: The Fertility Decision and Practice of Female Marriage Immigrants from Southeast Asia


本研究是討論東南亞女性婚姻移民來台之自身生育經驗與權力關係下之能動性,以身體政治的角度討論在婚姻家庭中生育決策如何被支配,同時也藉由其能動性找出生存與生育決定。生命的協商橫跨在兩代之間,關乎著婚姻移民是否孕育新的生命及自己的去留。本研究目的為姊妹在生育的決策中,在可能的生態條件限制下,創造出協商空間。本文從身體政治、再生產及能動性觀點,反思婚姻移民自身的生育決策經驗與實踐,探討其生命協商的空間。本研究方法以田野研究之參與觀察法及深入訪談法進行,共訪談8位東南亞女性婚姻移民,研究場域位於台灣東部某社區。研究結果發現, 生育決策受到父權式再生產工具的宿命,而在夫家期待、先生年齡大及經濟資源不足的因素交織下,再加上她們自己的期待及再生產工具(生育、家務勞動、勞動力)之功能貢獻下,有其能動性,產生協商的空間及生育結果。另外,先生原本就已有子嗣的家庭,她們「生與不生」的考量,也觸動婚姻移民本身「留與不留」在台灣的一些抉擇。


The study is mainly discussed about the fertility experience and the agency of power relation of female marriage immigrants who come to Taiwan. From the aspect of body politics, it analyze how fertility decision be dominated in the married family, and find survival and fertility decision through agency. The negotiation of life between two generations is about the marriage immigrants decide to stay or not and decide whether to give birth. Under the possible circumstance, their decision of pregnancy may create some negotiation space. From the view of body politics, reproduction and agency, this article reflects that fertility experience and practice of marriage immigrants, and discusses the space of life negotiation. This research method is progressed by participating in field research and in-depth interview. There are eight Southeast Asia female marriage immigrants who were interviewed and the research field situated in a community of Eastern Taiwan. The research indicates that fertility decision affected by patriarchy. Under the expectation from husband's family, old age of husband, and insufficient economic resources, with the contribution of their own expectation and reproduction tool (fertility, housework and about force), bring its' agency of negotiation and fertility result. In addition, those families, whose husband already has offspring, choose to give birth or not also have connection with female immigrants' choice to stay in Taiwan or not.


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