  • 期刊


TOD and Planning Unit: A Planning Exercise of Xizhi District Center


台灣自民國七十年至八十年間,伴隨著經濟起飛,都市開始快速發展,在台北市周圍展出許多高密度的袋狀住宅區。之後隨著時間各種問題開始一一顯現。汐止區屬新北市,位於台北市以東十公里處。由於鄰近台北,以及相對應市區低廉的住宅價位,使其成為台北市一個重要的衛星城市。都市沿著基隆河旁較為平緩的區域開始不受控制的朝外密集發展直至山腳,成為北台灣高密度住宅的典型。受到連接台北市的穿越性道路以及自然環境的影響,城市空間被切割成多個區塊。以及在社會經濟條件、歷史發展與地理因素的差異之下,發展出不同的機能與空間特性。在如此密集的空間中無規劃步行,使得居民居民欲使用不同機能與公共服務非常不便,同時也難以親近北面的基隆河與南面的大尖山等自然環境。本規劃的主要目標為強化核心與提高步行可及性,整合交通系統、強化公共交通及 其周圍的公共服務為概念,創造舒適的行人步行空間,整合與串聯區內分散的不同機能。參考公共交通導向發展(Transit Oriented Development)以及分析新加坡新市鎮整體規劃、德國的公共交通系統,將汐止規劃為一個完整單元。在規劃單元內依照實際都市狀況,重新檢討土地使用、自然環境,降低穿越性交通與自然條件對城市所造成的分割;整理並增設公共服務及開放空間,創造密集的步行網絡連結,進而讓都市的使用者更加便利的使用區內的各項公共服務,以及親近河岸與山林等自然環境。


The economy bubble of Taiwan in the 60's and 70's has produced mostly identical high-density residential pockets in the outlying areas of its cities.Xizhi is a satellite urban area in New Taipei City, 10 km east of Taipei, the capital city of Taiwan. Due to its nearness, easy access and relative low land price, it has become a bed town of Taipei city. Uncontrolled growth that starts from the river alluvial ground extends all the way to the mountainside, forming a typical high-density residential landscape in northern Taiwan. Several corridors of highway traffic cut through the area and the surrounding environment brutally, resulting in disconnected urban fragments that greatly compromised the everyday mobility of its residents.This planning guideline focuses on creating a core center and walkable city areas. It also aims to reorganize the public transit system to connect different functional zones within walking distance. Its references include TOD (Transit Oriented Development) planning methods, new town planning in Singapore and public transit system in Germany. Xizhi is thus planned to be a complete unit. In this planning unit we re-examine the land use, the natural environment, transit system and the public service to provide greater connections for residents to their daily destinations.


TOD Guidelines of Xizhi Planning Unit


