  • 期刊


The Relationship of Product Planning And Continuity of A Fashion Brand's Spirit


社會直接反映客群生活習慣、流行趨勢、消費訴求,品牌在市場中鎖定目標客群,創立品牌精神,經過時間的積累,塑造不變的品牌夢想。而世代變動,許多品牌隨著市場趨勢日新月異,必須原創出新,在不變的風格裡為消費者創造新的夢想,在變動的社會延續不變的精神。本研究之目的在於設計師如何為一個既有的品牌,設計得以延續品牌精神的系列商品。藉由實踐大學PRAXES品牌概念店實戰課程的旗下品牌Cynical Chéri,在賈雯蘭老師及各專業老師的指導之下,鎖定品牌市場定位、品牌精神,經由季度主題、廓形、顏色、布料之企劃、市場趨勢分析,為該品牌設計三季服裝系列商品,每一季中根據上一季市場反饋之數據加以調整,以分析品牌商品企劃與精神延續之關聯。


The purpose of this thesis research study is to discover how to implement and extend brand spirit to launch a new line of products for a well-established company from a designer's perspective. Our society directly reflects social habits, trends and demands of certain audience group. Succesful design companies absorb consumers in the marketpace with unique brand spirit by using consistency in their styling language to stay in the marketplace through time. As society changes over time, many designer brands must reinvent themselves to create new dreams for consumers, all the while striving to adhere to the same ideology built by their predecessors. Using designer brand PRAXES as a conceptual study from Shih Chien University, I created three seasons of fashion merchandise for my thesis project. This project incorporates design techniques I had learned from school and it validates the continuity of the spirit for PRAXES in the midst of our ever-changing society.


