  • 期刊


The Production, Representation and Articulation of Objects: Four Exhibited Products at CET


自工業設計導入臺灣,彈性配合並協調中介於全球市場與地方產業、經貿政策與廠商需求, 可說是臺灣產品設計應機萌生的發展之道,在此一運作規範下,創作者如何由本土社會脈絡與日常體驗出發,而憑藉創作物之呈現向觀者發聲,無疑是一項富有新意的實踐與挑戰。本研究從「物導向本體論」(Object-oriented Ontology)觀點出發,根據物件在其創作、展示、論述上所體現出的豐富意味,對臺灣文博會之展出產品進行爬梳與選擇,並以個案研究的方法,結合文獻與訪談資料之蒐集與分析,深入考察《泡泡沙發》、《蓬蓬裙椅》、《圈凳》、《浪草燈》這四件文博會展品,以探討臺灣產品設計,作為文化發聲所具有的特殊意涵。結語部分, 除了歸結並闡述「物之生產」、「物之再現」、「物之言說」三項要點,亦提出三點展望,期以供設計界同仁、相關藝文從業人員與有心從事文化產業的人,在隨著本研究的問題意識時,一同探問我們所寓居之臺灣的當代設計的重要課題。


Since the launch of industrial design in Taiwan, product design practices have been driven by the force of global market and Taiwan's economic and trade policies, corresponding mostly to the requirements of local manufacturers. Thus, designers find it both unique and challenging to speak through their work, which could serve as a concrete expression of their own social context and everyday life. Through object-oriented ontology, this study observed and selected the exhibited products at Creative Expo Taiwan (CET), according to the multiple cultural implications of their creation, display and discourse. Using document analysis and in-depth interviews, this paper includes four case studies on Bubble Sofa , Tutu Stool , Plastic Classic , Riyar Light , four products that have been showcased at CET. The findings were summarized in terms of the production, representation and articulation of objects, which indicated the way product design has become a voice of culture in contemporary Taiwan. In addition, this study also presented an outlook and provided insight into the key design motifs of contemporary Taiwan.
