  • 期刊


A Study on Social Workers' Practice of Working with Parents who are with Intellectual Disabilities and Reported whose Children were Neglected


本研究主要探討當家庭中的父母為智能障礙者,且因其所獲社會支持不足,致發生兒童疏忽案件時,社工員介入家庭與父母共事的實務經驗,並希冀透過對實務經驗的分析,提出培力智能障礙者親職功能的適切工作模式。本研究採用深度訪談法收集6 名社工員的實務經驗,分析訪談資料發現:社工員在介入過程中,普遍感受到自己處在孩子與父母(智能障礙者)利益間的兩難情境,且社工員在事件中的主導權顯然勝於父母;此外,部分社工員對於父母親職能力的培育仍有疑慮,有些社工員因憂心家庭的未來發展而充滿挫折,有些社工員則堅信唯有健全原生家庭功能方為最佳策略。在本研究中,研究者就訪談結果針對「父母權益與兒童最佳利益間的取捨」、「社工員介入家庭的工作取向與社工員是否具備智能障礙相關知能的關連」、「智能障礙者親職能力的重新界定」、「培力智能障礙者親職能力的工作方針」等主題對照文獻進行深入討論,並提出以下建議:「以社會支持觀點規劃父母為智能障礙者家庭的福利服務制度」、「社工員應接受智能障礙相關知能訓練」,以及「政府部門應鼓勵父母為智能障礙者家庭的相關議題研究並建置實務交流平台」。


As the rights of people with intellectual disabilities (ID) are valued, an increasing number of whom are getting married and having children. Due to the lack of social support to strengthen parent competence, parents with ID may be reported whose children were neglected. To focus on how social workers work with Id parent family, purposive sampling is used to interview six children and family social workers who have experience of working on child neglect cases where at least one parent with ID. In the conclusion of this study, it points out that social workers get sense of conflict between parents and their children, and experiencing a power imbalance between themselves and parents. With different faith, some social workers worry about how to improve Id parents' parenting competence, while some emphasize to construct the function of ID parent family. There are four themes which are argued. First begin with the choice between parents' right and children's right. Then, how knowledge about ID affects social workers' working pattern. In addition, redefine parenting competence of parents with ID. Finally, the strategy of empowering ID parent family. To sum up, the researcher proposes the following recommendations: 1. To establish the family service delivery system which fits family's need with social support perspective. 2. To provide social workers training of knowledge about ID, they may benefit from it on working process. 3. Public Sector should encourage research concerning parents with ID, and build up the platform for social workers' practice.
