  • 期刊


The Possibilities and Limits of Community Care Centers Augmenting the Long-Term Care Convenience Stores: A Case Study of the Areas with the Most Insufficient Resources in Tainan City


本文旨在探討資源不足地區的社區照顧關懷據點轉型設置長照2.0之C級巷弄長照站的可能與限制,為達此目的,本文採用訪談法針對臺南市資源不足區的5位據點負責人與2位社區輔導員進行質性資料的蒐集及分析。研究發現,據點在經營管理與服務績效上有許多可取之處,但因地處偏遠,在資源多元性、健康促進活動及志工人力上較為薄弱。若是據點要轉型為C 級巷弄長照站,必須增加長者心理及靈性的專業課程、加強預防失能與延緩老化的服務專業、組織健全志工隊、規範照顧服務員工作職掌、強化照顧安全防護措施等事項。循此,本研究依研究結果提出幾項建議:1.建構跨區共好互助服務模式,避免產生跨區居民情感疏離問題;2.加強宣導和說明社區整體照顧機制,以取得在地居民的認同與支持;3.建立定期專業服務之巡迴制度;4.提供交通接送機制;5.規範照顧服務員職責與徵才制度;6.建立專屬長照的志工隊及規劃相關訓練課程;7.政府簽署產學合作案規範服務內容;8.擬定服務同意書確保權責;9.活化據點空間,保障服務對象使用權益。


The purpose of this study is to explore the possibilities and limits of community care centers augmenting the long-term care convenience stores in the areas with the most insufficient resources in Tainan City as the object of study. Therefore, the interview was done to collect and analyze qualitative data from five community care center managers and two community advisors. Findings showed that the community care centers have good mode of operations in service management and service performance. However, the insufficiency of resources in the diversity of resources, health promotion activities, and volunteers were found. Thus, the odds and challenges that we must face are the diversity of mental and spiritual courses resources for seniors, prevention of disabilities of the aged, organization of the volunteer, standardize the work of the staff, strengthen the protection of security and measures. In conclusion, the arguments and suggestions of this research are as follows:(1) creating mutual aid service to prevent alienation problems among citizens of different regions, (2) promoting the community care to gain recognition and support from local citizens, (3) establishing a regular visit system, (4) establishing the elderly transport service, (5) establishing systems that hire caregivers, (6) establishing independent volunteers and rotating shift system, and plan long-term care volunteer training courses, (7) urging the involvement of the government to enhance and to regulate the industry-academy cooperation, (8) creating service consent forms to ensure rights and responsibilities, and (9) reviving center spaces to protect the common interests of service users.
