  • 期刊


Investigating the Consumer's Needs and Preferences for Pet Basket Design


在生育率逐漸降低的台灣社會,寵物已是不少民眾家中必要成員,許多人不只將寵物視為家中一份子,更以照顧兒女的心情飼養寵物,因此對寵物商品設計的需求亦趨重視。有鑑於國內逐漸興起的這股趨勢,本文擬針對目前學界仍少有人投入的寵物提籃產品的設計需求作研究。對此議題,本文關切兩個層面的問題:一、飼主對寵物提籃的設計需求為何;二、飼主對目前市售寵物提籃產品的滿意評價為何。在研究方法上,分別是以隱喻抽取技術(Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique, ZMET)與Kano品質模式進行。研究結果顯示,藉由ZMET共識地圖所揭露的高涉入飼主心目中渴望之寵物提籃產品應包括有三大面向的設計需求,其分別為「寵物的安全與舒適性」、「獲得成就」與「展現自我」;另外,就目前市售寵物提籃產品的消費者滿意評價的研究顯示,大多數使用者對於「容易操作、實用、圓滑、簡約、愉悅、舒服、放鬆、方便收納、堅固、安心」的提籃有較高的滿意度。本研究結果,能提供業者了解飼主對寵物提籃的設計需求,並進一步檢視自售的寵物提籃產品,是否已具備消費者需求的產品特徵。


Fertility rate has dropped in Taiwan society, and pets have become the necessary members of many common families. Lots of people regard pets as family members and even raise them like taking care of their children. Therefore, the increasing attention has been paid to the demand of pet commodity design. By taking the pet basket sold in the market as research object, according to Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET), this paper first performed attribute attractive factor extraction of pet basket desired by the small pet feeders with high involvement in the pet basket, and then led in Kano quality model to verify attribute attractive factor of pet basket sold in the market. The research results showed that, there are three aspects of pet basket design demand explored from the pet feeders with high involvement, which are pet safety and comfort, obtaining the achievement and showing off. When investigating the satisfaction of the quality of the pet baskets sold in the market, the results showed that, most of the users had very high satisfaction about the basket, which is easily operated, practical, smooth, simple, pleasant, comfortable, relaxing, conveniently collected, robust and relieved. The outcome shown in this paper will provide the interested industry people reference for their future pet basket product design.
