  • 期刊

應用擴增實境於Google Maps對地圖資訊學習影響之研究

Assessing the Effectiveness of Applying Augmented Reality Instructional Program on Google Maps for Map Information Learning


本研究旨在探討應用擴增實境教學方案在地圖知識學習成就學習的可行性及其對學生學習成效之影響。為達研究目的,本研究採準實驗研究法,以新竹地區某公立大學大學部學生40 名為研究對象,隨機分派20 人為實驗組,另20 人為對照組,經過6 週12 節教學實驗處理,實驗組接受擴增實境教學,對照組則接受傳統網頁教學。研究結果發現,採用擴增實境教學與傳統網頁教學對地圖知識學習成就均有顯著性的提升,但兩者間無顯著差異。採用擴增實境教學在地圖空間能力測驗的成績則顯著優於對照組,顯示應用擴增實境技術於Google Maps 進行地圖學習,可以提升學習者的地圖空間能力,推論應用擴增實境技術於Google Maps 對地圖資訊學習具有良好的可行性。


This study is aimed to investigate the practicability of augmented reality instructional programs and the learning efficiency on map information. A quasi-experimental design was conducted with a public university students in Hsinchu. The samples were 40 students. Before the teaching activities, students were divided into experimental group (20 subjects), and control group (20 subjects). Experimental group received "Augmented reality teaching programs", control group students received "Traditional teaching programs". After conducting 12 lessons (six weeks) experimental teaching processes, the two groups of students will be compared based on study results. The results show that there is no difference of increasing learning achievement between both groups. Yet, with the assistance of augmented reality, students in experimental groups pay more interaction with the real environment than the control groups. That result the students have better spatial ability in experimental groups than the control groups with significant difference.
