  • 期刊


Sun Yat-Sen's Foreign Polocy and the First United Front




外交觀 孫中山 聯俄容共 蘇俄 黃埔軍校


The main purpose of this research is to elaborate on Sun Yat-sen's ”The First United Front” and its diplomatic implications. Owing to the circumstances in China and the world, Sun was forced to invite CCP and Comintern to join KMT for the formation of ”The First United Front”. There were a few goals to achieve. If a united front was not formed, it was very likely that the USSR might follow the usurped Tsar's steps to continue invading China. Because of the cooperation with USSR, countries from around the world would pay much more attention to what was happening in China. Moreover, if Chang Tso-lin (張作霖) was also invited to join the front, there would be a balance of forces among KMT (based in the southeast), Chang Tso-lin (based in the northeast), and the USSR (based in the northwest).The united front proved to be a great help for Sun Yat-sen. He had been planning for a northern expedition, therefore he was in dire need of supply on finance, soldiers, military advisors, and weapons. The founding of Huangpu Military Academy was crucial. This military organization in southern China played an important role in the fighting against the government in the north. To ally with the USSR for assistance in building a new KMT, it was absolutely necessary to also ask CCP to join the front. The benefits ”The First United Front” brought to China was tremendous. This was especially true during the mid-1920s. It may be that such an alliance partly resulted in the ”communization” of mainland China by CCP during 1960s and 1970s, however, the implementing of a ploicy of this kind by Sun Yat-sen was a ”necessary evil”. We can neither willfully decide it to be a wrongdoing nor can we deny its rightful existence just because of the consequences. It is only by doing so can this chapter of history be fairly read.


王綱領,《國民革命建軍史,第一部建校建軍與東征北伐,第一篇緒論》,(台北,國防部史政編譯局編印,民國 81 年 2 月)。
李玉貞,《孫中山與共產國際,中研院近史所史料叢刊(32)》,(台北,民國 85 年 10 月)。
李玉貞譯,〈越飛致加拉罕的電報(1922 年 9 月 4 日,北京,絕密)〉,《聯共、共產國際與中國(1920-1925)第一卷》,(台北,東大圖書股份有限公司,民國 86 年 5 月初版)。
李玉貞譯,〈巴蘭諾夫斯基關於國民黨代表團會見托洛茨基的書面報告(1923 年 11 月27 日,莫斯科) 〉,孫逸仙博士考察團會見托洛茨基,頁 278。
