  • 期刊


Research relevance of green products and green consumer behavior - based in Taichung


現今全球環境日益受到嚴重破壞的情況下,資源的獲得及取得成本逐漸增加,加上全球不景氣之影響,節能減碳、綠色產品及綠色消費成為討論的新興話題。環保概念如旋風般的襲捲全球,環保商品的推動亦如火如荼的展開。台灣實行環保標章已行之有年,消費者對於環保產品的需求促使廠商轉型設計出環保產品供消費者購買,例如:思樂冰的杯子是使用玉米纖維製造的;可自動分解、以玉米生產出環保塑膠袋;汽車設計亦朝向省油及高效能發展、各項節能省電之電器用品因應而生。本研究主要目的在探討大台中地區之消費者對綠色產品的認知程度,並依據消費者對綠色產品的認知程度不同,運用群集分析法進行分類。而本研究主要運用SPSS 統計軟體來做為研究架構之依據,並探討個人價值觀與綠色消費行為之相互關係,以及探討何種因素會影響消費者的購買決策。


The case of today's global environment day gain severely damaged , access to resources and increasing acquisition costs , coupled with the impact of global economic recession, we reduce carbon emissions , green products and green consumption has become an emerging topic of discussion . Environmental concepts such as a whirlwind rushing world, promote environmental goods is also in full swing. Taiwan Green Mark real issue has been out of the year, consumer demand for environmentally friendly products designed to encourage manufacturers to transition for consumers to buy environmentally friendly products, such as : Slurpee cups are made from corn fiber; automatically decompose , corn production of environmentally friendly plastic bags ; automotive design also toward saving oil and efficient development of the energy- saving electrical appliances due to be born . This study aimed to investigate the Taichung area of consumer awareness of green products, and based on consumer awareness of green products different classification using cluster analysis. This research is mainly done using SPSS statistical software based framework for the study and to explore the relationship between personal values and green consumer behavior , and to explore what factors affect consumers' purchasing decisions.


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