  • 期刊


Stand Here and Look Back: Some Thoughts about Hospital Social Work History Writing


檢視國內目前已出版的中文醫務社會工作教科書章節內容中,有關介紹國內醫務社工發展歷史沿革的部份,都採以單一年代、人物及社工部門成立時間方式呈現,且篇幅文字有限與內容相似又單薄。此種關注少數菁英事蹟或制度作為的歷史視角,對醫務社會工作學習者或專業人員養成教育之歷史意識的培養或角色的示範激發,因不易引起共鳴,而存在經驗斷裂與疏離感。從1949 年第一家醫院設立社會服務室開始,台灣醫務社會工作已有60 多年歷史,80 年代中期行政院衛生署醫院評鑑制度推動執行後,大量社工人力受雇進入不同類型醫院的社工部門。究竟成為社工者後其在醫療場域現場的實踐經驗內涵如何?紀錄與書寫此「評鑑世代」工作者在不同受雇醫院組織中多元與豐富的經驗的意義何在?以及對充實國內醫院社會工作發展歷史內容與傳承經驗的重要性又在哪裡?此等問題的釐清,不僅有助於喚起國內醫務社工者對自身實務經驗的重視,亦開啟建構國內醫務社會工作發展歷史的多元視角。故本文將從行動者經驗自述的角度切入,針對記憶、書寫醫院社會工作歷史此主題,提出一些初步想法與作法,誠盼能帶出後續的討論對話與行動方向。


The development history of Taiwan's medical social work in introductory textbooks is often quite simple, limited and homogenous in their content. Focus mainly on the major events and characters, and the establishment times of certain hospital social work units can hardly attract or inspire students but only distance and alienate them. It has been over 60 years since the first medical social work unit was established in 1949. And a great number of social worker have flocked into social work units in various types of hospitals since the evaluation system was put into practice in the mid-1990s by the Health Bureau of the Executive Yuan. Yet little has been written about their lives and work experiences, which can enrich our understandings of the development of medical social work in Taiwan, and are of great value to the new generation of medical social workers. This study thus utilizes several measures, including life history, self-report, and personal narratives, to reconstruct memories of the early practitioners in medical social work units.
