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Dynamic Associated Analysis of the Exchange Rate and Macroeconomic Factors in Taiwan and ASEAN




The total trade of ASEAN on Taiwan quickly growing and become the emerging markets would can't be ignored. Gradually the world economy has become globalized, international foreign exchange markets closely connected mobility. The subjects of this study is ASEAN which economic and trade exchanges with Taiwan closely, apply the cointegration analysis, VAR model and other time series methods to construct each national model of exchange rate and macroeconomic variables connected to observe the dynamic nature. The results find the cointegration relationship exist among Taiwan and ASEAN countries show the overall economic change has a crucial impact on its exchange rate, and the existence of central bank intervention rate case. The IDR have significantly huge adjustment characteristics in the long term. When the economic environment shocked, fluctuations in exchange rates of national currencies may form a chain reaction. In addition, prices significantly affect exchange rates and economic factors of most ASEAN countries. We therefore suggest that central banks intervene should be reduced to reflect economic fundamentals, Taiwan and the ASEAN countries to strengthen economic and trade cooperation should be established in order to reduce regional imbalances and the financial crisis occurred.


ASEAN Exchange Rate Macroeconomy Cointegration Test VAR Model
