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Integrating a Task-Based Module to the EFL Writing Course-A Case Study


本研究旨在探討以任務型教學模式,結合跨國之非營利機構網路平台,做為本國應用外語科五專生寫作課程輔助教材之可行性,並兼論真實語料對學生表現上的影響,以期能夠提供五專英語多元教學策略。本任務型活動加入全球最大的教育網路平台iEARN(International Education and Resource Network)、共六國八所校夥伴學校,運用聖誕節卡片交換專案,進行跨國教學合作。本文以近側發展區(zone of proximal development,ZPD)、可理解的語言輸入(comprehensible language input)、及後效作用(washback effect)為理論基礎,使學習者習得真實語料中字彙及文法相關知識;書寫聖誕賀卡和英文書信,學習者同時能參照各國社會文化情境、適當的表達個人經驗並介紹台灣,使溝通與學習同時進行。本研究對象為77位私立五專三年級與五專四年級學生,研究資料以課堂句型寫作分析、開放式問卷、及教師教室觀察為主。研究結果發現:受試者在聖誕節卡片交換寫作上最大的困難在於個人字彙量、文法練習不足,但經過任務型聖誕賀卡寫作專案訓練後,學生對英文寫作課程之學習態度明顯進步、能融入情境教學、較習慣運用目標語言,並能接受真實語料。本研究建議:寫作能力之養成,除文意文法基礎的教授外,寫作課程更應先設定宏觀的教學目標,搭配傳統微觀式基本句型練習,更可結合任務型教學模式來輔助寫作技巧,實質提升技職學生的英語致用能力。


This study aimed to investigate the possibility of integrating a task-based module from the web platform of a non-profit organization to an EFL writing course. The impact of the authentic materials on students was also discussed. It is hoped to provide multi-pedagogical strategies and assessment methods for English education in the junior college of the five year program. There are eight schools from six countries participating into Holiday Card Exchange Project. Research theories were based on zone of proximal development (ZPD), comprehensible language input, and washback effect. About 77 English major students participated in the task. Subjects of this study utilized vocabulary and grammatical structures they learned to write Christmas cards or English letters. Moreover, they consulted cultural contexts of different countries to express their viewpoints and introducing Taiwan so that communication and learning were simultaneously engaged. This study was carried out from September to December, 2012. Data were collected by students' writing performance, open-ended questionnaire, and classroom observation. Results of the questionnaire showed that the difficulty of Christmas card writing lay on limited vocabulary and insufficient grammatical practices. However, after the training of this project, students' attitudes changed because they gradually submerged into the class; they were used to utilizing the target language into their writings, and they were able to accept the authentic materials. Lastly, this study proposed that in addition to the traditional grammar-translation method which primarily focuses on the semantic and syntactical practices, combining a macro goal with a small-scaled micro approach to train learners' writing ability would EFL learners acquire English proficiency that gets promising results.
