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Implementing Online File Sharing Service for Department Administration


在雲端概念普及化的現代,各級學校陸續以雲端服務取代現有資訊系統,然而,在資源有限的情況下,學生與教師所使用的服務往往以免付費為優先考量,免付費的系統雖然可節省成本,但往往無法針對特定應用進行客製化的修改。以系務行政工作為例,一方面必須配合教師使用習慣,一方面則是原有檔案格式通常須進行轉換,造成行政人員困擾。在網路資訊應用中,檔案共享系統(file sharing system)是一種相當常見的應用,許多廠商已經推出相關的軟硬體實作,但這些系統往往無法進行客製化,若要符合人員需求或是習慣,所需要的修改成本相當昂貴。本研究針對各大專院校所需的行政事務提出一種檔案共享架構,將系統以模組化方式處理,可由不同設計工具實作。進行壓力測試可知系統表現穩定,足以應付教職員工的需求,實作系務行政常用的功能,可有效提升工作效率;對教職員,支援線上影音播放、圖片瀏覽等功能,可節省整理授課資料時間。


In department administration, many of its tasks could be accomplished by online free services provided by commercial companies like Google or Microsoft. However, commercial online services are usually not possible to be customized for students, faculty, or administrative assistants. Their user interfaces are not set for department administration, which cause long learning curve for them. Moreover, file formats that online services use do not fully compatible with the software that assistants or faculty use. Those drawbacks degrade the efficiency of department administration. To solve such problems, we found that the most frequently used service in department administration is the file sharing system. It requires various specified functionalities that an administrative assistant needs including unlimited file storage space, access control, file tagging, online media playing, and online compression. In this paper, through analyzing workflows of administrative assistants, we proposed an online file sharing system which aims to satisfy demanded requirements. The proposed architecture could also fit most of college administrative tasks. We performed pressure tests to demonstrate the constructed system is stable with hundreds of simultaneous connections. It shows that the proposed system could perform well for heavy loadings. The working efficiency of department administration could be enhanced though the proposed file sharing system.
