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Interactions of Tropical Depressions Between Dual Typhoon Nakri and Halong (2014) from Satellite Images: Straining Out and Merge In



本論文應用遙測影像與影像處理技術,分析熱帶性低氣壓與兩個颱風之間的作用。由於熱帶性低氣壓位在颱風的週邊,此一乾燥浮動的環境,形成對流以造成颱風的影響。其目的是瞭解及預判這種現象,以減少在路徑地區的影響。在獲得瞭解熱帶性低氣壓與兩個颱風之間的作用之後,吾人將有能力改善氣象預報。雙颱作用通常是單一情況,如完全沒入、部份沒入、完全環繞、部份環繞與彈開等五類。本論文以熱帶性低氣壓位於娜克莉與海龍兩個颱風(2014)之間的實例,分析熱帶性低氣壓與兩個颱風之間的作用,觀察到熱帶性低氣壓環繞娜克莉颱風以及沒入海龍颱風同時期出現。通常雙颱作用發生於兩颱風相距1,400 公里時,然而娜克莉與海龍兩個颱風距離2,050 ~ 3,150 公里,卻因熱帶性低氣壓出現在兩者之間,產生了兩組熱帶性低氣壓與颱風的作用。結果顯示,兩個熱帶性低氣壓,接續出現在兩個颱風間,因此產生環繞與沒入兩類作用。其中一個熱帶性低氣壓環繞,造成娜克莉颱風減弱;另一個熱帶性低氣壓沒入,造成海龍颱風增強。熱帶性低氣壓出現在雙颱之間,產生了兩組熱帶性低氣壓與颱風的作用,是一新的現象。


This paper presents a framework of using remote sensing imagery and image processing techniques to analyze the interactions among tropical depressions (TDs) and two typhoons. The TDs occurred in the remote environments of the typhoons. The convections are occurring in a buoyancy-driven, but wet environment, which have the possibility of influencing typhoons. The purpose is to properly understand and predict this phenomenon in order to reduce their influence on the regions where they pass by. Improvements on the understanding of the interactions among mid TDs and typhoons obtained and presented. They carry the potential to improve forecast weather system. The cyclone-cyclone interaction among two typhoons usually has single situation as complete merge, partial merge, complete straining out, partial straining out, and elastic interaction. In this study, we analyzed the physical responses of TDs on two typhoons Nakri and Halong (2014) which presented interactions included both straining out and mergence of the mid TDs. In general, the cyclone-cyclone interaction happens when two typhoons are within a distance of 1,400 km. Though the typhoons Nakri and Halong were about 2,050 ~ 3,150 km apart, the mid TDs have acted on the typhoons, and could cause the depression-cyclone interactions respectively. The results showed two mid TDs occurred between typhoons Nakri and Halong in front and back, interacted with each other through straining out and complete merge, respectively. The straining out TD caused typhoon Nakri weaken and the completely merge of TD1 generated the strengthened power of typhoon Halong. The findings of the TDs effect on two typhoons represent a new aspect of the dual interactions between mid TDs and typhoons.
