  • 期刊


Visual Improvement through Text Readability in Curriculum Design of "Advertising Design Practice"




The main incentive to design this curriculum is that our daily living environments are congested with textual information-which is lack of inclusive aesthetics. Whilst from the vintage of aesthetics and visual design professionals, suchlike text advertising-even though has attained the communicability-should have been able to acquire better design qualities and standards than in our current presence; furthermore, designers who had been through professional training are also not supposed to be ignorant and performing design with such attitude. Therefore, this curriculum is planed and designed. Through analyzing our current lifestyles and surroundings, designers will be able to learn and understand: the textual information-which designed with ignorant attitude; factual visual circumstances of communicability and aesthetics; description of fundamental concepts for text design and typography; as well as guiding students to follow and conduct each proper procedure. This includes visual improvements-such as typography, character spacing, font size, text thickness, optical illusion-which are aimed to perform several modifications and evaluations. Moreover, professionalism of the designers not only has to be advanced, but they are also supposed to be equipped with high level of observation and good appreciation of beauty.
