  • 期刊


Yao Zhaosong's Philosophy of Ci-poetry Reflected in the Inscribed Words on Painting of the Tianzui Studio




Yao Zhaosong (1872-1963) was the nephew-in-law of Wang Pengyun (1840-1904), one of the "Four Great Masters of the Late Qing Dynasty." Yao was mentored by Wang in his adolescence, and sat at the feet of Zhu Zumou (1857-1931) in middle age. These backgrounds explain why his ci-poetry was under the profound influence of the two masters. Yao wrote most of his 600-odd extant works during and after middle age. After turning 60, Yao invited several painters to create a total of 21 works entitled Paintings of the Tianzui Studio. In addition to his own inscriptions on these paintings, he also invited prominent scholars to inscribe words in prose and verse. Some of these scholars were members of the Xiling Seal Art Society and the Gull Society. These indicate Yao's good social connections and renowned status among ci-poets in the late Qing and early Republic periods. The developments and changes in Yao's ci-poetic thought may be reflected in different stages of his life: he neglected composing ci-poetry when he was young but devoted himself entirely to it after middle age after learning from Wang Pengyun and Zhu Zumou, and eventually became a leading member of the Gull Society. Centering on Paintings of the Tianzui Studio, this paper attempts to investigate the motive and theme of these paintings by looking into them, their inscriptions by Yao, and those by others. It also explores the poetic thought of Yao through a discussion of the importance of the inscriptions, the sources of his scholarship, and the status of these paintings and poems in the poetic arena of the time.


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王鵬運 : 《 王鵬運集 》 。 桂林 : 廣西師範大學出版社 , 2012 年 。
王鵬運 : 《 四印齋所刻詞 》 。 上海 : 上海古籍出版社 , 1989 年 。
王鵬運著 , 沈家莊 、 朱存紅校箋 : 《 王鵬運詞集校箋 》 。 上海 : 上海古籍出版社 , 2017 年 。
元好問編 , 張静校注 : 《 中州集校注 》 。 北京 : 中華書局 , 2018 年 。
