  • 期刊


Several Signs of Sinicization of Xianbei in the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi Dynasties




東魏北齊 鮮卑 鮮卑化 漢化


It is common practice to define the cultural features of the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi dynasties (534-577) as "Xianbeicization" but the present study holds a different opinion. The sinicization process gradually took place among the Xianbei people in the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi. This observation is bolstered by certain facts, such as the popularization of the Han language at the imperial court of Xianbei; the adoption of Han names by Xianbei people; Han and Xianbei commoners living in the same neighborhood; the national policy laying more stress on cultural aspects than martial practice; and the civilization of decedents of Xianbei, etc. Clearly, the Han culture had a profound influence on Xianbei. To a certain extent, the change in national policy to cease military actions and promote culture and education may have caused the downfall of the Northern Qi.


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