  • 期刊


Evaluation research of applying case method to social work specialty course


如何讓社會工作學系學生在學的期間就學會如何面對不同個案並處遇個案的問題,進而學習成為一位專業的助人工作者,是現今社會工作教學現場的一大挑戰。因此,可以激發學生學習熱情的個案教學法,在此扮演了一個改變現況的重要角色。但將個案教學法應用於社會工作專精課程中之成果,則必須加以評估,以確保個案教學法應用得宜。本研究採用新柯式訓練評估模式(The New World Kirkpatrick Model)所建議的評估項目,來蒐集接受過個案教學法的157份社會工作學系學生的意見,以獲得客觀性的數據及結果,以評估個案教學法應用於社會工作專精課程中的成果。資料分析方法為次數分配、平均數、標準差、t檢定、積差相關分析、路徑分析。本研究發現:接受過應用個案教學法的課程的社會工作學系學生,對應用個案教學法的課程給予正面的評價,且在反應、學習、行為、和結果等四層次,均受到個案教學法的顯著影響。因此,建議全面性地推動社會工作專精課程以個案教學法為主,以利學生能有效地將社會工作專業知能和技巧與實務案例結合。


The challenge for current social work teaching is to facilitate social worker students to learn to manage different cases and different problems at student stage in order to become a professional helper in the future. Therefore, the case method which can inspire students' passion for learning plays an important role in changing current situation. However, it is necessary to evaluate the application of case method to social work specialty course to ensure its appropriateness in teaching. This study employed the New World Kirkpatrick Model to collect 157 copies of questionnaire from social work students who have been to case method course. The data were analyzed through frequency distribution, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and path analysis. All social work students gave positive feedback from case method in the study. The significant effect was on 4 levels. They were reaction, learning, behavior, and results. Therefore, case method can be promoted for all social work specialty courses in order to construct the model for case method in social work specialty courses.
