



銀髮族 休閒活動


The inquisition of Ministry of Interior Department of Social Affairs(2007) indicate that Taiwanese to the end of September, 1993, Taiwan has already matched the United Nations 7% to ”elder's country” of definition standard, reach ”the advanced age turn a society”. Being exceeding to face many varieties of life behind into the old age is getting, the decline of mental and social role function, make it be concerned with an elder, value an elder have already become one of the social important targets.This research purpose while inquiring into the function, old people of recreational activity to work on a recreational activity of mental and aging adapt process, and introduce an old people's recreational activity type to do analysis and inquire into. This research adoption cultural heritage analysis method, take into related cultural heritage and data collected to tidy up, induce, and investigate old people the importance of the recreational activity, and this research gain a conclusion after study as follows: 1. The recreational activity have meaning of power restore to original and give a new life of keep, and have a freedom, independence, have intention to a mind and body health and is filled with the characteristic that the fun makes a living not. And had to make the Human body heart balanced development, provide the chance of human body activity, keep physical stature strongly built, relax spirit and adjust a life to promote the social interaction moderate, dissolve an administration opposition, make the person like work place, promote the function of work efficiency. 2. According to three kinds of different theories phenomenon: Movable theories, escape from theories and keep on theories, understand old people mental and aging orientation of process, help old people for recreational activity of choice and leisure project of theories basis. 3. Choice like of recreational activity, let the mind and body reach to relax, the oblivion vex, reaching the heart comfortable healthy appearance, then creating personal of superior quality life, are the target that the old people work on a recreational activity, bring a great help for the self.


Old people recreational activity


吳慶義(2016)。高齡者參與休閒教育活動暨數位學習之調查研究 ---以新北市板橋區為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2016.00961

