  • 期刊


A Study of the Supervision System for Physical Education in Schools




學校體育 訪視 教學視導


With the help of the background of the issue, this study first highlights the necessity of the supervision system for physical education in schools. Second, it explains the theories of basic related educational supervision theory. Next, it introduces the contents of the system for supervision of physical education in schools currently implemented by the Ministry of Education's Department' of Physical Education. Apart from this, based on the study of the supervision system, the study points out its special features and important implications. Special features include fully following laws and regulations, placing equal importance on supervision and guidance, emphasizing rewards over punishment, encouraging the development of special school features and leaving room for flexibility. Important implications include striving for superior physical education in schools, establishing the concept of responsibility for achievements, raising the service quality of physical education in schools, raising the competitiveness of physical education in schools, and calling for schools and local governments to place importance in physical education. Finally, two conclusions and four suggestions are deducted from the analysis results. The conclusions are, first, that the implementation of physical education supervision is an efficient method placing importance on the quality of physical education in schools used in developed countries, and that the supervision of physical education already has achieved ”three-in-one” integration. The suggestions include authorizing the handling to agencies with specialized responsibilities, systematization of the supervision work, a vigorous attempt to specialization in the supervision work, and strengthening the supervision work.
