  • 期刊


Relationships and Predictions of Athletic Identity, Achievement Goals, and Athlete Burnout


本研究目的在了解大專運動員自我認同、成就目標取向與運動員競技倦怠之關係與預測。本研究以輔大、師大、國體等三校甲組239位運動員(男=164人;女=75人)為受試對象,平均年齡20.38歲,標準差1.38歲。本研究使用的測量工具包括「運動員自我認同量表」、「運動目標取向量表」、「運動員競技倦怠量表」。所有資料以皮爾遜積差相關、多元逐步迴歸及集群分析進行分析。研究結果發現:一、運動員自我認同、成就目標取向之工作取向與運動員競技倦怠成負相關;但成就目標取向之自我取向與運動員競技倦怠成正相關。二、成就目標取向之工作取向最能為運動員競技倦怠(決定係數=.14;β=-1.17),其次為成就目標取向之自我取向(決定係數=.05;β=0.81),再次為運動員自我認同(決定係數=.02;β=-0.28)。三、依據運動員自我認同、目標取向、和運動員競技倦怠高低,可區分為四種特質組型:1.無動機型;2.強求成功型;3.保守謹慎型;4.努力不懈型。本研究結果支持過去陳雅琳(2002)與盧俊宏(2001)之研究發現,但不支持國外Coakley(1992)單一認同發展與外在控制模式(Unidimensional Identity Development and External Control Model)之假說。本研究結論指出國內對優秀運動員之輔導與文化因素可解釋為何不支持Coakley(1992)單一認同發展與外在控制模式之原因,同時本研究也以成就目標取向理論之原理,提供若干建議供國內教練在訓練與比賽實務上之參考。


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships and predictions of athletic identity, achievement goals, and athlete burnout. Also, the second purpose of this study was to explore the athletes' behavioral pattern in terms of athletic identity, achievement goals, and athlete burnout. This study sampled 239 intercollegiate athletes and administered with Chinese versions of Eades' Athletes Burnout Inventory (EABI) (Eades, 1990); Athletic Identity Measurement Scale (AIMS) (Brewer, Raalte, & Linder, 1993), and Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ) (Duda & Nicholls, 1989). A Pearson Production Correlation analysis and Stepwise Multiple Regression found task orientation and athletic identity were negative correlated with athlete burnout but ego orientation was positively correlated with athlete burnout. Also, task orientation, ego orientation, and athletic identity predicted were significant predictors of athletic identity. And, a K-mean Cluster analyses found there were four types of behavioral patterns in terms of athletic identity, achievement goals, and athlete burnout namely: (a) Amotivated; (b) High Expected but Burnout; (c) Conserved; (d) Full Commitment. In general, this study was consistent with previous studies which found task orientation, ego orientation, and athletic identity predicted were significant predictors of athletic identity but failed to support Coakley's (1992) Unidimensional Identity Development and External Control Model. The author concluded that maybe cultural difference, especially high-achieved athletes in Taiwan received much cares and helps might moderate the relationship between athletic identity and athlete burnout. This study suggested future study might consider this regard in future study.


