  • 期刊


The Effects of Different CAI Models on Volleyball Experimental Study of Fifth Grade Students


本研究為探討實施不同電腦輔助教學模式(Computer assisted instruction, CAI)對國小五年級學童排球之研究,採準實驗研究設計,研究對象以國小新竹地區某國民小學五年級學生,三個班共77名學生,以排球接發球的防守策略為學習內容,探討不同電腦輔助教學模式對五年級學童排球接發球的防守策略認知及排球接發球防守策略技能學習表現之影響。將學童分為三組,實驗組CAI-1共24人使用電腦輔助教學;實驗組CAI-2共28人進行傳統教學,並在課後提供CAI做課餘時間練習;控制組CAI-3共25人進行傳統教學,實施第一次測驗後再進行兩堂電腦輔助教學。研究工具選用McGee and Farrow(1987)所編製之排球接發球防守策略認知測驗,技能方面選用Johnson and Nelson(1986)、Verducci(1980)所編製的排球接發球防守策略技能測驗。研究資料處理以獨立樣本單因子變異數分析與相依樣本t檢定等統計分析。研究結果為下:一、實驗組CAI-1在排球接發球防守策略認知與排球接發球防守策略技能學習表現皆顯著優於傳統教學組。二、實驗組CAI-2排球接發球防守策略認知表現成績顯著優於控制組CAI-3,但在排球接發球防守策略技能表現上兩者並無差異。三、實驗組CAI-1排球接發球防守策略認知表現成績顯著優於實驗組CAI-2,但在排球接發球防守策略技能表現上兩者並無差異。四、控制組CAI-3進行二節課之電腦輔助教學一個月後,在排球接發球防守策略認知與排球接發球防守策略技能表現的第二次測驗成績皆有顯著的進步。五、教學結束一個月後,實驗組CAI-1在排球接發球防守策略認知與排球接發球防守策略技能表現上皆有顯著的學習保留效果;而實驗組CAI-2僅在排球接發球防守策略認知表現上有顯著的學習保留效果。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of different computer assisted instruction (CAI) models on volleyball receive strategy cognitions and skills performance of fifth grade students. The qusi-experiment was design in this study. Seventy-seven (n=77) fifth grade students from an urban elementary school in Shinchu, Taiwan participated in this study. This research adopted the quasi- experimental design with EG CAI-1(use computer to instruction), EG CAI-2(traditional teaching and provide multimedia to students for home practicing), and CG CAI-3(traditional teaching and provide computer assisted supplementary teaching after pretest) to examine the effects of different teaching models. The volleyball Cognition test (McGee & Farrow, 1987) and the volleyball skill test (Johnson & Nelson, 1986; Verducci, 1980) were used in this study. Furthermore, group CAI-1 and CAI-2 were given the cognition and skill reserving test one month latter, group CAI-3 were intervened by two lessons of computer assisted remedial teaching and take a cognition and skill test. Data was collected and discussed by one way ANOVA of independent sample, dependent t-test, and Scheffe method. (α=.05). Results were found: 1. The cognition and skill performance of CAI-1 group were significant better than those of CAI-3 group. 2. The cognition performance of CAI-2 group is significant better than that of CAI-3 group, but no significant difference was found in skill performance test. 3. The cognition performance of CAI-1 group is significant better than that of CAI-2 group, but no significant difference was found in skill performance test. 4. By the two lessons of computer assisted remedial teaching intervention, the group of CAI-3 make significance progress in cognition and skill performance. 5. After a month, the cognition and skill performance of CAI-1 group has good reserving effect, but that group of CAI-2 has significant regression in skill performance test.


