

本研究之目的在於比較不同層級投手,在全力投擲直球時,身體動作加速期之運動學參數的差異。本研究使用兩臺JVC9800數位攝影機進行收集受試者投球動作之影像資料,以攝影法分析12名投手,包括職棒投手2名、大學5名、高中5名。將實驗所得的影像資料,透過Silicon Coach力學分析系統進行參數的運算,再利用SPSS 10.0統計套裝軟體,並以皮爾森積差相關、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)、薛費法(Scheffe)事後比較進行統計分析,所得結果如下:一、高中組、大學組、職棒組等三級投手投球動作加速期時間有高度相關;二、高中組、大學組、職棒組等三級投手投球球速達顯著差異;三、高中組、大學組、職棒組等三級投手投球動作重心總位移達顯著差異;四、高中組、大學組、職棒組等三級投手投球動作加速期投球臂肘關節在加速期中的角度呈現高度相關。由此觀之,處於不同階段的投手,身高比例的不同,對於投球動作重心的總位移有差異。運動力學的研究至今尚未普及,未來若能透過相關研究,提供教練更多資訊加以運用在基礎棒球球員之訓練上,相信有助於未來球員之發展。


The purpose of this study was to compare the differences of body movement parameters in acceleration phase of three different groups of pitchers, when they pitched ball at their most effort. This study applied two digital cameras to collect the visual data of 2 professional pitchers, 5 university pitchers and 5 senior high school pitchers. And calculate the visual data into parameters by Silicon Coach mechanic analysis system. The parameters was analyzed by descriptive statistics, person product-moment correlation, one-way ANOVA and Scheffe multiple comparison by package statistics software SPSS 10.0. The findings of this study concluded as follow. 1. There is positive correlation in three groups in ”time” parameter (p<.01), and no significant difference between groups (p>.05). 2. There is positive correlation in three groups in ”speed” parameter (p<.01), and no significant difference between groups (p>.05). 3. There is positive correlation in three groups in ”gravity shift” parameter (p<.01), and there is significant difference between groups (p<05). It means pitchers in different level make different gravity shift, because of the different height. 4. There is positive correlation in acceleration phase on ”angle of elbow” in three groups (p<.01), and no significant difference between groups (p>.05).


