  • 期刊


The Discussion of the Body Composition and the Lower-Extremity Strength among the Elderly with Different Physical Activities


本研究旨在針對60-80歲之高齡者,探討不同身體活動量者之身體形態(肌肉量、脂肪量、身體組成)與下肢肌力體適能表現(30秒坐站、8英呎起立前進往返、6分鐘走路)差異;以每日身體活動量達到200kcal/day為一標準,將其分為動、靜態生活型態;透過身體情況問卷填寫,挑選身體健康之受試者共214名,動態者102名,平均年齡69.47±6.05歲,平均體重62.24±10.67公斤,平均身高159.31±8.15公分,平均身體組成24.40±2.91;靜態者共112名,平均年齡69.61±5.98歲,平均體重57.62±10.38公斤,平均身高157.90±7.55公分,平均身體組成22.98±3.29。透過配戴Yamasa製之JM-280計步器檢測身體活動量及HBF-355-A體重體脂肪計秤重、檢測受試者之身體形態,並進行下肢肌力檢測;經描述性統計及獨立樣本t檢定之後,發現動態組在身體形態的檢測(下肢肌肉量(%)43.12±4.48,41.31±3.77;下肢脂肪量(%)29.73±7.54,32.74±7.68;全身肌肉量(%)26.67±3.53,25.62±3.82;全身脂肪量(%)1.25±5.42,32.98±6.26;基礎代謝(BMR)1370.1±211.6,1272.1±190.2;每日消耗熱量295.2±66.6kcal,106.2±51.3 kcal)與下肢運動能力的表現(30秒坐站17.83±3.19次,13.09±2.33次;8英呎起立前進折返坐6.61±1.11秒,9.53±1.22秒;六分鐘步行471.23±51.63公尺,386.44±52.80公尺)皆顯著優於靜態組。因此根據本研究結果建議,高齡者每日應維持充足的身體活動量,減少坐式生活,提升自身的肌力,維持良好的身體形態。


The purpose of this study was to discuss the body composition (fat amount, muscle amount, and body composition) and the lower-extremity strength (sit and stand in 30 seconds, 6-min walk, and 8-ft up-and-go) among the 214 elderly subjects whose ages range from sixty to eighty and who are grouped based on their ages and levels of physical activities. Those who reach an average of 200 kcalories of physical activities every day belong to the active group, and those who do not belong to the inactive/sedentary group. In the active group there are 102 elders with an average age of 69.47±6.05 years old, an average weight of 62.24±10.67kg, an average height of 159.31±8.15cm, and an average body composition of 24.40±2.91 fat amount. In the inactive/sedentary group, there are 112 elders with an average age of 69.61±5.98 years old, an average weight 57.62±10.38kg, an average height of 157.90±7.55cm, and an average body composition of 22.98±3.29 fat amount. After carrying the JM-280 pedometer made by YAMASA, they were tested, amongst other things, on their weight (they were weighed on HBF-355-A scales for fat amount), their body shapes, and their lower-extremity strength. Then the obtained data were analyzed - using descriptive statistics and independent sample t-tests. The test of the active group showed significantly better results than those of the inactive/sedentary group in relationship to body shape (with the contrast between 43.12±4.48 per cent and 41.31±3.77 of the lower muscle ) (with the contrast between 29.73±7.54 and 32.74±7.68 per cent of the lower fat) (with the contrast between 26.67±3.53 and 25.62±3.82 per cent of the physical muscle) (with the contrast between 1.25±5.42 and 32.98±6.26 per cent of the physical fat) (with the contrast between 1370.1±211.6 and 1272.1±190.2 of the BMR) (with the contrast between 295.2±66.6kcal and 106.2±51.3 kcal of everyday exhaustion) and lower-extremity strength (with the contrast between 17.83±3.19 and 13.09±2.33 times about sitting and standing in 30 seconds) (with the contrast between 6.61±1.11 and 9.53±1.22 seconds about the 8-ft up-and-go ) (with the contrast between 471.23±51.63 and 386.44±52.80 meters in the 6-min walk). Based on the results of this study, we suggest that elderly people should maintain sufficient everyday physical activities, reduce the amount of sitting time, improve muscular strength, and reduce the amount of body fat.
