  • 期刊


Effective Evaluation of Plan for Sport and LOHAS


伴隨著時代及人口結構、環境的改變,全球吹起全民運動的熱潮也帶動了各國民眾對運動認知有重大改變,人類基本生活型態及健康議題逐漸被重視,「健康生活、永續生活」的族群者被稱為「LOHAS」族群(羅憲宗,2009)。而樂活運動風潮也是目前體育委員會推展的體育政策理念。樂活(lifestyle of health and sustainability, LOHAS),指的是過著一種健康、可長可久的生活。簡單的說「樂活」是一種新的生活行為,讓人在方便又舒適的同時還能避免傷害環境和健康,在社會、經濟與環境之間會取得絕佳平衡(羅憲宗,2009)。從以體育的觀點來看,政府提供舒適的運動設施希望民眾透過完善的運動環境,培養規律運動的好習慣,進而提升生活品質讓民眾達到健康活力的基本條件。本文是探討「樂活」的意涵,「樂活」計畫的運動背景探討其重要性、由於打造運動島實施計畫目前仍在進行中,因此本文最後僅針對事前施政評估做預期效益及經濟效益評估之探討。


With time and population structure, changes in the environment, global literary movement of blowing also led to national public awareness campaign significant change, basic human types and health issues gradually seriously, ”healthy living, sustainable living” The groups are referred to as ”LOHAS” groups (Luo Xianzong, 2009). The trend is currently the sports live National Sports Council to promote ideas. LOHAS (lifestyle of health and sustainability, LOHAS), refers to living a healthy, long-lasting life. Simply put, ”LOHAS” is a new life style, people in a convenient and comfortable, while also avoiding injury to the environment and health, social, economic and environment will achieve a great balance (Luo Xianzong, 2009). From a physical point of view, The government offers comfortable sport facilities and wants the people to improve movement through the environment, promoting the good habits of regular exercise, and thus enhance the life of the quality. Letting the public to achieve healthy vitality of basic conditions. This is the government policy to promote national movement since the sports live and exercise program to promote the importance of, and to assess the content of Sports Island plan for implementation and effectiveness assessment, Because making movement island action program at present still in advance, therefore this article only aimed at finally administered the evaluation to make the anticipated effective and discussion in anticipation the economic effective evaluation.


basic human types health sport facilities

